Thursday, September 10, 2009

101 Things in 1001 Days...

I love lists.
Perhaps it is due to my aging brain and the fact that I can't remember anything anymore...unless I write it down. I'm already at the point, despite my relative youth, where I can walk into a room and forget why I made the journey there in the first place.
Or maybe it is that great power one feels when crossing a task off and moving on to the next. Be it a daily list, weekly or monthly, nothing feels better than knowing that something has been accomplished. At least for me anyway.
So when my friend Jen brought to my attention the '101 things in 1001 days' list, I couldn't resist. A bucket list of sorts, the 'rules' are quite simple. Come up with 101 tasks that you wish to complete within the next 1001 days. The tasks must be measurable and relatively difficult to achieve. And the time frame, roughly 2.75 years, allows ample time for achievement in our overly-busy lives.
I pondered my list for several months. There are so many things that I want to do. I have lists of all sorts, some hanging in my closet, others paper clipped to my calendar. Some require immediate action, others are more dreamy. Either way, they not only help my slowing mind remember things, but give me goals to work towards and dreams to, hopefully, one day live.
April 1, 2009 marked day one of my 1001-day journey. I even went so far as to set-up a special little journal, dedicated to my endeavor. I won't divulge every task to you, but can share some examples, by category:
Personal: take a dance class, whiten my teeth
Social: reconnect with one high school friend, reconnect with one childhood friend
Travel and Adventure: get to all 50 states, hang glide or para glide
Animals: adopt a pigmy goat, spend a weekend volunteering at a sanctuary
Financial/Career: Buy a piece of land, finish my master's degree
Personal Betterment: Take a cooking class, watch 5 'classic' films
Health/Well-Being: floss daily, walk at least 5 days per week

As of late, I have 'completed' 4 of my 101 tasks. Doesn't sound like much, does it? But many of my goals require daily effort, patience and time. As long as I put my best effort in, I will be successful, no matter what. And I have yet another list to add to my collection.
Should I not complete all 101 tasks in the end? A donation of $2.oo per unattained goal will be donated to Freekibble, an animal charity.
I have high hopes that I will be nearing 101 as the days grow nearer to 1001....

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