Monday, November 23, 2009

Adventures in Mitchell County

Okay....perhaps the usage of 'adventure' in this instance is a bit inappropriate. It just really sounds good in the title.

The only activities that could potentially lead to any sort of 'adventures' in Mitchell County, Texas would involve:

the tipping of one of these..........................

Or the riding of one of these.....................................

Admittedly, I have failed to partake in either activity. Yet. In my quest to find something, anything to do on my 'work days', it may come to that.

I arrived in Colorado City at 9:30 am, and, yet again, no one showed up for the tests that I am required to administer. Crap, I thought. Now what do I do all day?
From the picture to your left, you can see that my day was spent 'working' really hard. I drove all over the County, just hoping that I would come across something that I could tape a census poster to.
When this mission failed tremendously....
I acted as least I learned some oil history.
In retrospect, I guess I could have taped a sign or two to some cows....
Road signs pointed me towards the town of Cuthbert....but it took me ages to actually find the place. In the end, it was a dead end. Literally.

Yeah, Cuthbert is a graveyard. I figured that promoting the census jobs or hanging a poster there would end up a....dead issue....

So I drove. And drove. And drove. There is A LOT of nothing in these parts of Texas....

But cotton....

And this nice couch.....

In the middle of nowhere.

About to lose my mind, I decided to use my time wisely and walk a few laps around the local track. In training we were warned that we may need, at times, to run. You know, from people with guns or killer dogs...typical stuff. So, walking the track provided me with some needed strength training for the job, right?

I can only hope that you were able to live vicariously through my Mitchell County experience.
Make the most of each day....make fun of it if you have to!

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