Friday, December 4, 2009

The E-Mail

This morning I made the effort to send out the following e-mail to all Abilene City Commissioners. Like I have said before, they're going to have to kill me to shut me up. I have received two responses thus far and plan to reply as necessary.

Council Members:

I was in attendance of Thurday (12/3/09) morning's public hearing, but was forced to leave before being able to speak. Unlike Tenaska representatives and Sweetwater officials, most of us are not getting paid to defend our case and have jobs to go to.

I would like to express my concerns regarding not only the sale of water to Tenaska, but the project in its entirety. I have been an active opponent to this project for well over a year now, and have yet to hear any 'positive' aspects that do not revolve around monetary gains. I am certainly not opposed to the economic development of any region, but there comes a point when we need to look beyond money, and consider the wants and needs of our fellow citizens, future generations and the environment in which we all live.

I am three courses away from recieving my M.S. in Environmental and Waste Management. I can guarantee that not one of my thick, over-priced textbooks has yet to boast the benefits of any of the emissions that will be produced by the Tenaska plant. Quantities emitted are irrelevant; they are dangerous pollutants. Period. I know that air quality is not what you are voting on, but these pollutants will be falling, on a constant basis, in your watershed.

I am not a native Texan. I moved here only about 3.5 years ago from Las Vegas, another very dry, water-drained area. I have no ties here and, frankly, have not had a very warm welcome thanks to my courage to stand up for what I believe. I find it quite sad that I am standing up for the health of your state, while native residents work to destroy what makes West Texas what it is; clean air, clean water sources and a safe environment in which to live.

I am certainly no fool, and realize that Tenaska has the financial edge in this debate, being able to pay professionals to conduct 'studies' that show nothing but positive outcomes. I have been called many names. That's fine. In the end, I ask that you simply put the supposed economic gains aside when considering your decision regarding the sale of water. Many peoples' lives will be negatively impacted by the development of said coal plant, mine included. We moved here to escape the noise, pollution and unfriendly character of Las Vegas. My home is within 1.5 miles of the Tenaska construction site.

In conclusion, I find the greed that has overtaken Sweetwater to be very disturbing. I can only hope that you all will have more character when making your decisions. Thank you for your time and consideration.

-- Whitney Root

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